Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Subliminal Reckoning

I’m not sure if I ever mentioned that I don’t know how I came by the name of my blog, but after my niece passed last year, I began to see things and this world differently. It occurred to me that every experience that one has is just that; the single experience that one will ever have. Life gives us no do-overs, pause or rewind buttons, simply what you see is what you get. A person essentially lives in this moment nothing is promised so it behooves same to notate the joys and triumphs, curiosities and light bulb moments to pass them on to whomever wants them, whichever way one can hence, “We Pass This Way But Once,” was bourne… or so I thought!!

Recently I had occasion to be discussing just various events with a friend whose parent was the principal of a school that I attended at age 3. He inquired what the name of my blog was and when I told him, he laughed. This was his parent’s favorite saying. Now I could not have revisited this memory through him because I did not reacquaint myself with him until about a month or two ago and my blog is approximately four months old! Could it be that this memory was planted in my subconscious all these years and now in a moment of need the saying resurfaced to guide me in muse like fashion? Or did I see it on someone’s epitaph? I don’t know but it sure makes interesting fodder for discussion on the capacity of the mind to preserve thoughts and ideas through time.

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